Welcome to the website of Ashton Catenians.
The Catenian Association is an international group of Catholic laymen, committed to their Faith, their families, to those in need and to support each other.
The local groups are known as Circles, and are located in cities and towns in the UK, Ireland, Malta, Southern Africa, India and Australia.
Circles are grouped into larger regions known as Provinces. Circles will try to be mutually supportive both within their province and throughout the wider association.
This site is provided by Ashton Circle no. 172 which covers primarily the Tameside area of Greater Manchester covering the parishes of St.Ann’s (Ashton), St.Christopher’s (Ashton), St.Mary’s (Dukinfield) and St.Peter’s (Stalybridge).
The National website can be accessed by clicking our logo above where you can explore national Circles & Provinces, should the Province 17 area not be local to you, and also other general information about the Catenians
The Circles operate a varied social programme involving wives, children and friends and aim to cater for all ages providing fun, support and enjoyment whilst enabling friendships to flourish.
Our primary purpose is to establish a network of friends providing mutual support in our family life, our Faith and which provides practical support in difficult times. As well as supporting each other we do all we can to support our Parish, our Clergy and the young people of our Catholic community.